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The Hiring Process is F*cked (Here’s How to Get the Upper Hand)

The Hiring Process is F*cked, Here’s How to Get the Upper Hand in Life

Ever feel like you’re just another face in a sea of thousands, all competing for the same job?

You spend hours perfecting your resume, only to find out you never really had a shot—or worse, the job didn’t even exist.

It’s exhausting, and honestly, it feels like a rigged game.

Imagine never having to submit another application again.

You’re just 100 LinkedIn posts away from that reality.

Tough Love: You Aren’t Visible Enough to Compete

Here’s the thing: you might have all the skills and expertise in the world, but if no one can see it, it doesn’t matter.

Nobody’s coming to discover you.

The game has changed and you’ll have to update your tactics if you want to stand out among your peers.

You’ve got to make yourself more visible, or you’ll keep getting picked over.

Yes, it’s unfair, but I’m going to teach you how to hack the system to your advantage.

Personal branding isn’t just for influencers or celebs anymore.

A personal brand is essentially how people perceive you and the value you bring—it’s your leverage, quantified through the associations people make with you as a person.

Let’s be clear—you don’t need a personal brand to make money, but having one makes your life so much easier in the long run.

A brand is simply an association between two things. 

But here’s the cold, hard truth: in today’s digital-first world, if you’re not actively shaping your narrative, someone else is doing it for you.

So, ask yourself—are you steering your reputation, or are you just letting others assign it to you?

The High Stakes of a Weak Digital Presence

A weak online presence can punch you where it hurts the most: your career and business opportunities.

This week, I was diving into the Unhinged Life Tracking course (not sponsored, but ❤️ it so far!) by Vegan Tech Nomad, and I stumbled across a story from Jennifer that really hit home.

It was such a powerful reminder of why building a personal brand is so important for capturing the leverage you work so hard to earn.

Jennifer shared about the first time she went viral on Instagram—an exciting moment, right?

But when everyone started Googling her username, "Vegan Tech Nomad," all they found was an old travel blog with just two super outdated posts.

Imagine how frustrating that must have been for her!

You never know when you might pop off, and when you do, you want to be sure people are seeing the best, most relevant version of you.

Jennifer missed out on a lot of leverage because she didn’t have the systems set up to capture it. (luckily she set up the systems after and now she has a really strong brand!)

It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being prepared.

So take a moment to think—what would you want people to see if you suddenly went viral?

Imagine you crossed paths with your dream recruiter online and they just scrolled past?

Or losing a potential client to someone whose digital footprint screams "expert" while yours barely makes a peep.

Here’s some serious food for thought:

  • 85% of hiring managers consider a solid online presence as a factor in their hiring decisions.

  • Only 50% of professionals are actively managing their digital reputation. (you can stand out easily!)

  • Over 70% of recruiters have passed on candidates due to what they found (or didn’t find) online.

The beauty of being visible and posting online is that you’re not just waiting for chance encounters—you’re creating them.

Every time you post, you’re essentially bulk-applying to countless opportunities without lifting a finger.

How to Start Building a Powerhouse Personal Brand

Let’s cut to the chase and get into the real deal of building your personal brand.

Think of it as your professional foundation online—something that establishes your presence while also highlighting who you are and what you bring to the table.

And here’s the best part:

You don’t have to go all-in from day one.

Start small, build momentum, and let it grow naturally over time.

If you do this one thing well—developing your personal brand—it genuinely provides your life with more leverage than anything else can.

Step 1: Develop a Personal Wiki (Second Brain)

Think of a personal wiki/second brain as your online portfolio, but cooler. It’s not just a resume—it's a living, breathing showcase of your journey, your projects, and your thoughts. This will be your central hub where everything about you lives.

Why This Works: It’s like having a business card that never runs out. When someone Googles you, they’ll find a well-crafted narrative about your expertise and experiences, not just scattered bits and pieces. Plus, it acts as a “second brain,” where you store your best ideas and knowledge, making it easier to share and expand on them later.

Step 2: Start Posting to LinkedIn & Create a New "Highest Self" Instagram Account

Once your personal wiki is in place, it’s time to start putting yourself out there. Begin posting on LinkedIn regularly and create a new Instagram account that reflects your highest self (find step-by-step instructions in this edition). Fill your feed with your hobbies, interests, and professional insights. This is where you start building visibility and letting people see who you are beyond just your work.

Why This Works: LinkedIn helps you establish text-based credibility in your field, while Instagram lets you showcase a more rounded view of who you are. LinkedIn is packed with users, but only 1% of them actually post regularly. That means if you post just once a week, you’ll easily stand out from the crowd. By consistently sharing/interacting with content that aligns with your personal brand, you’re planting seeds that will grow into opportunities over time.

Step 3: Start Thinking About Your Opinions and Launch a Newsletter

As you start gaining traction on LinkedIn and Instagram, it’s time to take it a step further by launching a newsletter. This is where you can dive deeper into your opinions, elaborate on your own ideas, and build a direct line of communication with your audience.

Why This Works: A newsletter allows you to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. It’s a space where you can explore topics in depth and build a dedicated following that values your insights. Plus, it’s an excellent way to refine your voice and become more confident in expressing your views.

Step 4: Leverage Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Newsletter

Now that your newsletter is up and running, use your social media channels to drive traffic to it. Start posting on LinkedIn and Instagram stories to promote your newsletter content, engage with your audience, and encourage them to subscribe.

Why This Works: Social media is a powerful tool for amplifying your message. By regularly promoting your newsletter on your existing platforms, you’re increasing your reach and ensuring that your content gets in front of more people who are interested in what you have to say. Plus, you’re making stronger associations between you and the things you want to be known for.

Step 5: Gradually Start Making Short-Form Content

Once your newsletter is manageable and you’ve built a rhythm with your content creation, start experimenting with short-form content. You can begin by repurposing content from your newsletter into bite-sized videos or social media posts, then gradually expand to cover more topics that align with your content pillars.

Why This Works: Short-form content grabs attention fast and can go viral more easily, giving your personal brand a significant boost in visibility. It’s a great way to reach a broader audience and bring more personality into your brand. Over time, you’ll build out a more comprehensive content strategy that keeps your audience engaged across multiple platforms.

How One Small Habit Transformed My Career

When I first started posting my newsletter, it felt like I was tossing a pebble into the ocean, wondering if it would ever make a ripple.

But I made a promise to myself: I’d send out that newsletter every week, no matter what.

At first, it was more about building discipline than anything else.

I wasn’t expecting a tidal wave of opportunities to crash into my inbox overnight.

I just wanted to get into the habit, to prove to myself that I could stick with something consistently.

And let me tell you, that simple commitment changed everything.

Most people dive in headfirst, trying to do everything at once—blog posts, social media, podcasts, video content—you name it.

It’s no wonder they get overwhelmed.

They burn out before they even get started.

But I took a different approach.

I focused on mastering one thing—my newsletter.

I got comfortable with the workload, built systems that made it easier, and then, when it was second nature, I started expanding.

That’s when things really took off.

How I Went from Being Overlooked to a Go-To Expert

It didn’t happen overnight, but gradually, my weekly newsletter started gaining traction.

I started posting short-form content to instagram and LinkedIn.

More people in my industry began to recognize my name.

They knew me for my insights, my consistent voice, and my reliability.

I wasn’t just another professional in a sea of faces; I was becoming a go-to source for valuable content.

People started sharing my work, and before I knew it, I was no longer whispering into the void.

I had an audience.

Unexpected Opportunities

Once I became more visible, the opportunities started pouring in—podcast invitations, panel discussions, and collaborations I never imagined.

Suddenly, clients and job offers were reaching out to me, not the other way around.

And it all started with one simple, consistent action: showing up every week with my newsletter.

How Expanding My Network Transformed My Career

As my audience grew, so did my network.

But it wasn’t just about numbers; it was about quality. I found myself in conversations with professionals who shared my passions and respected my work.

These connections weren’t just LinkedIn contacts—they were potential collaborators, mentors, and allies.

I was leveling up.

The Unexpected Benefit of a Strong Personal Brand

With a stronger personal brand, I noticed something incredible—I felt less pressure.

My digital reputation started doing the heavy lifting, freeing me up to focus on what I truly loved.

The stress of constantly proving myself faded, replaced by a quiet confidence.

I knew my worth, and so did everyone else.

The Surprising Impact on My Overall Life Satisfaction

And the cherry on top?

My overall life satisfaction soared.

With my professional life aligning with my passions, I wasn’t just working for a paycheck—I was building a legacy.

Every opportunity, every connection felt meaningful, and that’s a feeling you can’t put a price on.

So if you’re thinking about diving in all at once, take a step back.

Start small.

Get comfortable with the workload, build your systems, and let your confidence grow.

The opportunities will come—and when they do, you’ll be ready to seize them.

Overcoming Common Fears When Building Your Personal Brand

Let’s be honest—personal branding can be intimidating.

I’ve been there, and I know exactly what it’s like to face the fears and doubts that creep in when you start thinking about putting yourself out there.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that these obstacles are part of the process.

The good news?

They can be overcome with a little bit of strategy and a whole lot of courage.

First up is the fear of negative feedback and public scrutiny.

It’s like standing on a stage, waiting for someone to throw tomatoes.

I get it—nobody likes to be criticized.

But here’s the deal: criticism, when it comes, often says more about the person dishing it out than it does about you.

Sure, it might sting at first, but you can use it as a tool for growth.

Start by sharing your content in smaller, more supportive spaces where you feel comfortable.

As you build confidence, you can gradually expand your reach.

Think of it like learning to swim in the shallow end before diving into the deep waters.

People see what I do and think, "I’m way too lazy for all that."

But guess what?

So am I.

That’s exactly why I put in a little work upfront to automate shit—it makes my life a billion times easier later on.

The trick?

Get comfortable with a bit of discomfort.

It’s like the Stoics said: face the hard stuff now to make life smoother down the road.

Feeling overwhelmed?

I’ve been there.

The key is to simplify.

Start with just one piece of content a week.

Write one small section of it per day.

It’s manageable, builds discipline, and sets you up to capture all the leverage that comes your way.

Trust me, it’s the lazy way to a good life.

And then there’s the fear of rejection or, worse, complete indifference.

What if you put yourself out there, and no one cares?

That’s a tough one, and it’s something we all face.

But here’s the thing: everyone who’s ever succeeded has had to push through this stage.

You gotta “Climb Cringe Mountain”—those early efforts might feel awkward or even embarrassing, but they’re a crucial part of the journey.

Success doesn’t happen overnight, and that’s okay.

Embrace the process, keep showing up, and trust that your efforts will start to pay off.

The key is consistency, value creation, and a healthy dose of patience.

Measuring the Impact of Your Personal Branding Efforts

Alright, so you’ve taken the plunge and started building your personal brand—now what?

How do you know it’s working?

It’s time to take a step back and measure the impact of your efforts.

Start with the numbers.

Track your follower growth, engagement rates, newsletter subscriptions, and the opportunities that come your way because of your brand.

These are your quantitative indicators, and they’ll give you a solid sense of your progress.

But don’t stop there—pay attention to the qualitative changes too.

Are more people recognizing your work?

Are your professional relationships improving?

Do you feel more fulfilled by sharing your knowledge and insights?

These aspects are just as important in assessing the impact of your personal branding.

As you gather this feedback, use it to refine your approach.

Maybe you notice that a certain type of content really resonates with your audience—lean into that.

And as your brand grows, don’t be afraid to branch out to new platforms or try new things.

This is an ongoing journey, and the key is to stay adaptable and keep evolving.

Ready to take your digital presence to the next level?

Dive deeper into the reputation pillar of the cyber freedom framework—it’s packed with insights that’ll help you build a brand that not only stands out but also stands the test of time.

Stay Curious,

Addie LaMarr