I'm Turning Everyone into Cyborgs

& Helping You Do the Same

A Blueprint for Optimized Self-Sovereignty

Hey there, you amazing Earthlings and Cyborgs!

Welcome to the first issue of Cyborg Bytes, where we'll dive into crypto, technology, self-sovereignty, SolarPunk philosophy, and how to build a brighter future together.

But first, a story:

Finding Hope and Purpose in the Digital Age

In the latter part of 2019, I found myself at a daunting crossroads.

After leaving the comfort and security of the military, I was left feeling adrift, isolated, and uncertain of my purpose.

The transition to civilian life proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated.

I longed for the camaraderie and sense of mission that I had experienced during my service.

The world outside the military was vast and uncertain, leaving me feeling aimless and purposeless.

I was haunted by a constant feeling of loneliness, a reminder of the strong bonds I had formed with my fellow servicemen and women that now seemed like a distant memory.

I had been feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, drowning in a sea of overwhelm, and all I wanted was to sleep endlessly.

I couldn't shake the heavy veil of despair.

As days turned into weeks and then months, I found myself drifting through life, unable to find solid footing.

I tried different hobbies and jobs, hoping to ignite a spark of passion or uncover a new calling.

Yet, each attempt only seemed to deepen my feelings of isolation.

One day, as I doom scrolled Reddit, I stumbled upon an article about creating systems to help live comfortably with neurodivergence.

And let me tell you, it was like a bolt of lightning hit me.

I've always struggled with the traditional way of doing things - the 9-to-5 grind, the rigid structure - it just doesn't work for me.

But reading about these systems, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head.

Finally, something that could work for me.

So, I went all-in on researching and developing these systems.

I tried out different strategies, tested new tools, and found what worked best for me.

And it was a total game-changer.

That one Reddit article was the spark that ignited a passion in me.

And I'm grateful every day for stumbling upon it.

With newfound determination, I began researching and learning more about wielding my neurodivergent traits as my superpowers.

As I dove deeper, I found and modified a treasure trove of strategies, tools, and resources that helped me understand my unique brain wiring.

I merged with AI tools and technologies.

I created systems to automate my happiness using my computer, thus minimizing my dependence on my own faulty emotional processing.

Slowly but surely, I implemented my own systems and curated an environment that fostered happiness and mental well-being.

I cultivated habits and routines that brought back my zest for life.

I discovered the magic of journaling to keep my thoughts organized, explored mindfulness meditation to find inner peace, and embraced the healing power of psychedelics.

I pulled myself out of the depression hole with determination to change my situation by any means necessary.

By mindfully reflecting, designing my unique life operating system, and establishing my core values and life purpose, I’ve experienced a profound transformation.

By mindfully reflecting, designing my unique life operating system, and establishing my core values and life purpose, I’ve experienced a profound transformation.

As I became more involved in my purpose, I started to see the positive impact that I was making in the world.

Every small action, every conversation, every meeting, it all added up.

I felt fulfilled, knowing that I was living a life with purpose and meaning.

Now, I feel like I'm in control of my life like never before.

I'm more productive, more focused, and more determined.

Instead of longing for endless sleep, I eagerly rise before my alarm, filled with enthusiasm for the day ahead.

I wake up every day with a quench for life, excited to see what new opportunities and challenges come my way.

I feel empowered and inspired to make a difference, and I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be.

My sense of purpose has changed my life in ways that I could never have imagined, and I am grateful for every moment.

And the best part? I know that these systems can help others too.

I’m going to show you exactly how to find that for yourself.

My Background & Unique Perspective

So, why should you listen to me anyways?

As a former US Air Force cryptographer and Policy/Cybersecurity Advisor for the Department of Justice OCIO & FBI, I've had a front-row seat to the ever-evolving cybersecurity world.

But it wasn't until I discovered the power of decentralization and technology that I truly found my passion.

From working on serious projects to real shitcoins, I've been on a thrilling journey in the crypto space, raising millions of dollars, trading NFTs, launching a DEX, and catching scammers in the act.

And now, I'm pursuing a PhD in Blockchain technology, exploring the possibilities of this transformative technology.

Throughout my journey, I've contributed to US Federal Security Policies and NIST guidelines, gaining a unique perspective on both the good and the bad of the cybersecurity, federal, and crypto worlds.

But it's not just about the technology for me.

I'm driven by a vision of a world where decentralization and technology empower individuals and communities to create positive change.

I'm excited to share my knowledge and insights with others, inspiring them to join me on this incredible journey towards a more just and equitable society.

My Purpose: Turn Everyone into Cyborgs

I've realized that my calling is to use technology to enhance people's lives, not just as a tool, but as a means of empowerment.

That's why I've launched a weekly newsletter and a full-stack web3 educational initiative to help others become "Cyborgs."

To be a "Cyborg" means using technology to overcome challenges, whether it's a disability, marginalization, or mental health difficulties.

As a Cyborg Neuropreneur, I use technology to run my creative business and pursue my passions.

Inspired by Donna Haraway's A Cyborg Manifesto, I created the term to describe neurodivergent creators, entrepreneurs, and marginalized groups who use technology to improve their lives.

Through my courses, workshops, and newsletters, I'm excited to share my knowledge and help others discover the potential of technology to transcend limitations and improve their lives.

The Cyborg Bytes Philosophy


My time in the military and FBI taught me a lot about self-sovereignty, privacy, and the importance of protecting ourselves from government overreach and surveillance.

That's why I'm all for taking control of our own cybersecurity, banking ourselves, and owning the keys to our financial destiny - especially with web3 and crypto.

There are certainly some details to work out, but I'm optimistic and confident that with the right tools and education, we can invest safely and wisely.

And speaking of tools, I'm building them myself!

My goal is to empower people to navigate through the noise and identify what's a real threat and what's fake news.

We need to not only recognize actual threats, but also be able to identify when the government is overstepping its boundaries and hold them accountable.

The Creator Economy is an Act of Defiance

The creator economy is incredibly exciting to me.

The creator economy represents a challenge to the established order and those who hold the reins of power in society.

In a world dominated by the status quo and late-stage capitalism, the creator economy stands as a symbol of defiance.

It's a rejection of the traditional work structures that often leave us feeling exploited and unfulfilled.

As creators, we own the means of creation and production, working for ourselves and not for an exploitative boss.

This is an empowering alternative that allows us to express our creativity and take control of our lives.

Through this, we can empower ourselves, create and share knowledge, and protect our privacy all while forging a path towards a more just and equitable society.

So, let's take control of our lives, embrace technology, and create a future we can be proud of!

I'm excited about what's to come and can't wait to see what we can achieve together.

We Deserve A Solarpunk Future

The Solarpunk vision of the future is absolutely captivating to me.

It's a cool genre of art, literature, and design that imagines a world where technology, society, and the environment all exist in harmony.

Solarpunk is all about being sustainable, using renewable energy, and being eco-friendly, while also emphasizing community and social equality.

What's so great about solarpunk is that it blends innovative technology with a higher quality of life. It's like, the best of both worlds, you know?

In a solarpunk future, human ingenuity and nature would work together to create a greener, more optimistic, and visually stunning world.

What sets solarpunk apart is its positive attitude and inspiring message.

Rather than focusing on dystopian or apocalyptic scenarios, solarpunk encourages collaboration and positive change for a brighter future.

The video depicts the futuristic and idealistic world that SolarPunk strives to achieve.

Living Life Authentically: Why My Approach is Built Different

I'm all about taking a different approach to life.

I don't care about the typical path of accumulating insane amounts of wealth or spending countless hours analyzing charts.

For me, it's all about maximizing my time, comfort, and connection with others.

I'm inspired by a life of creativity, curiosity, and self-employment that aligns with my neurodivergence.

I want to have complete control over my work and avoid those soul-sucking traditional structures.

Instead, I want to be my own boss and help others ditch their day jobs, which are really just day scams.

I want to give people more time. Not to be more productive, but to live their lives.

My purpose is to create a society that embraces neurodivergence and autonomy, offering alternative paths to fulfillment.

I'm passionate about teaching others how to automate happiness and use technology to optimize their health, wealth, and relationships, giving us all more time to do what we love.

As I work towards my goals, I'm excited about building a sense of camaraderie and belonging in an online community.

Together, we can find purpose and inspiration by bonding over our shared passions and desire for something different.

I'm optimistic about the future and all the potential for positive change.

By forging new paths and connecting with others, we can create a society that celebrates diversity and empowers individuals to live life on their own terms.

Subscribe to Cyborg Bytes

Are you ready for a new way to experience information?

Join me as I blend my creativity with cutting-edge technology, transforming information into a work of art.

Using the latest AI tools, I'll create stunning visuals that showcase my unique artistic style and bring more color and beauty into the world.

Get ready for a one-of-a-kind newsletter featuring exclusive NFT drops, captivating technology fact sheets, and vibrant how-tos that will spark your imagination.

As a former cybersecurity advisor turned wild card, I'll also be sharing weekly insights and life optimization tips.

Together, we'll explore the world of crypto and cybersecurity, learn how to protect ourselves from government surveillance, and discover how to become unstoppable, self-sovereign cyborgs.

Don't miss out on Cyborg Bytes - subscribe now and let's embark on a journey of creativity and self-discovery.

Catch Me If You Can

Up next week: An exclusive reveal in honor of a milestone birthday.

Discover 30 industry secrets and life lessons that have transformed a former cybersecurity advisor's perspective.

Prepare for a journey through the hidden corners of the industry, where shocking revelations and personal anecdotes await.

No stone will be left unturned in this tell-all expose, promising to deliver piping hot tea like never before.

Nothing classified. Sorry Putin😉

To self-sovereignty and beyond,

Addie LaMarr