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Still Applying for Jobs Like It’s 2004? Here’s Why It’s Not Working

Outdated Models & Missed Opportunities

When’s the last time you updated how you search for jobs or market yourself professionally?

If you’re still relying on strategies from 20 years ago—like walking into a store to ask for a job—you’re stuck in a time that no longer exists.

Companies don’t operate like that anymore.

Today, you’re dealing with companies posting job listings for roles that don’t even exist, just to give the illusion of growth.

You’ve got tech giants laying off American workers and outsourcing to cheaper labor markets, like Mexico (I see it daily living here).

Those jobs aren’t coming back.

And when there is an actual job opening, half the time, they already know who they’re going to hire.

And it isn’t any of the applicants.

So, you spend hours crafting the perfect application, only for it to disappear into a black hole.

Or you spend weeks jumping through hoops—endless rounds of interviews, 6-person panels—getting your hopes up, only to find out you were never a serious contender, and they’ve wasted your time from the start.

The old-school methods of applying to jobs aren’t just outdated—they’re a waste of your time and energy.

While you’re stuck sending résumés into the void, others are getting headhunted because they’ve built a strong online presence.

The truth is, companies should be coming to you.

Often, the problem isn’t your experience level—it’s your lack of visibility & leverage.

There’s a better way to stand out: a bulk apply that leverages your personal brand and thought leadership.

It’s time to shift from chasing jobs to having opportunities find you—and that starts with building a personal brand that speaks for itself.

One of the biggest roadblocks is a knowledge gap.

Most folks have no idea that something as simple and basic as writing—yes, writing!—can open the floodgates to personal and professional success.

People see writing as daunting, not realizing it's a golden ticket to freedom, visibility, and growth.

Instead, they continue regurgitating information that’s been said a thousand times before, thinking that’s what the world wants.

But what ✨really✨ matters?


Personal experience.

Your story.

And that is what’s missing in most people’s approach.

It’s also why ChatGPT-generated content falls soooo flat.

Fear is another major barrier.

Too many people hesitate to start writing because they worry about not being good enough.

They’re scared they’ll be judged, mocked, or ignored.

But you don’t need to be an expert to add value.

If you’ve ever solved a problem for yourself, you’ve got something worth sharing.

But how many people realize that?

Not nearly enough.

The Consequences of Staying Stuck

Now, imagine the price of inaction.

What happens if you don’t start writing or building a personal brand?

You miss opportunities.


It’s like watching your competitors zoom past you because they’ve embraced modern strategies while you’re stuck in neutral, trying to figure out why nothing’s working.

Let’s face it—holding onto outdated methods leaves you irrelevant in an ever-evolving world.

You won’t attract younger, digitally-savvy audiences, and the thought leadership that could have been yours will instead belong to someone else—someone bolder, more adaptable, and, yes, someone writing.

The sad truth is, staying in your comfort zone means professional stagnation.

If you don’t pivot to modern content strategies, you risk fading into obscurity.

That sounds dramatic, but it's true.

Meanwhile, others who understand the power of personal branding are becoming the go-to experts in their fields.

They’re landing jobs, speaking gigs, and partnerships that you’ll never even hear about because they embraced digital platforms and leveraged their unique perspectives.

And what about engagement?

The harsh reality is that people don’t connect with outdated methods.

Younger audiences can sense when you’re stuck in the past.

You won’t just miss out on likes and shares—you’ll miss out on meaningful relationships, the kind that elevate your personal brand and expand your personal leverage.

That’s the difference between being just another name on LinkedIn and being someone people actually listen to.

How Writing Can Completely Transform Your Career

Let me take you back to my own experience—one that I didn’t even realize would change my life.

It all started when I committed to writing weekly on my 30th birthday.

Just one newsletter a week.

That’s all it took to completely transform my entire life.

The consistency, the discipline, and the sheer act of sharing what I cared about opened doors I didn’t even know existed.

I was solving my own problems, sharing personal stories, and slowly growing a community.

Writing is more than just words on a page—it’s about becoming visible in an ever-crowded digital world.

The simple act of writing can take you from invisible to unforgettable.

You don’t need to be an expert.

You don’t need a huge following to start.

All you need is the willingness to show up and be seen.

And that’s where the magic happens.

But how do you do this?

How do you transition from holding onto outdated business models to embracing the power of personal content creation?

Here’s the plan:

Personal Content Creation as Your Secret Weapon

Start with the simplest strategy: your stories.

Sharing personal experiences, struggles, and insights resonates on a deeper level than regurgitating information you think people want to hear.

The power lies in your authenticity.

Platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium are your playgrounds.

Use them to refine your voice, test what resonates, and build momentum.

A few short posts here, a shared idea there—and soon you’ll have a better sense of what clicks with your audience.

Newsletters and personal blogs are even more powerful because they’re where the real depth happens.

This is where you build a loyal community—people who look forward to hearing from you.

Shift from Information Overload to Transformative Insights

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make?

Regurgitating the same old stuff.

We’ve all seen the articles that say the same thing over and over.

You want to stand out?

Share your lessons learned, personal reflections, and real-life examples.

Don’t just repeat what’s already out there—transform it.

Writing isn’t about being the loudest voice in the room; it’s about being the most authentic and insightful.

And that’s exactly what will resonate with your audience.

Use AI and Tools to Streamline Your Process

Now, I get it—you’re busy.

Who isn’t?

But guess what?

Writing doesn’t have to take over your life.

With AI tools like ChatGPT, you can brainstorm ideas, outline articles, and even draft initial content quickly.

My personal trick?

I go for long walks and talk out my ideas.

Then, I feed those transcripts into ChatGPT to help me structure my thoughts.

This way, I’m not chained to a desk—I’m creating content while I’m out living my life.

It’s about working smarter, not harder.

And you can too.

Writing Changed Everything

When I started writing that weekly newsletter, I had no idea how much it would transform my career and my life.

I went from having a somewhat lackluster online presence to being a recognized thought leader in cybersecurity—just by sharing my experiences and the problems I was solving.

And it didn’t take long before the impact was undeniable.

My newsletter signups doubled.

My social media engagement exploded.

Soon enough, I was receiving job offers and invitations to speak—opportunities I never would’ve had without putting myself out there.

Writing became my ticket to visibility and influence.

I can confidently say that because of the authority and leverage I’ve gained through writing, I’ll never have to worry about job security again.

And you can do the same.

The beauty of writing is that it builds your reputation over time.

I’ve established my own platform where I publish longer articles, tutorials, and deep-dive content—things that position me as an expert.

All of this came from the decision to write and share consistently.

You don’t need to be perfect.

You don’t need to know everything.

You just need to start.

Why People Hold Back—and Why They're Wrong

Let’s talk about what’s really holding you back.




All of it can be paralyzing, right?

You start thinking, “What if people don’t care about what I write?” or worse, “What if they laugh?”

That’s the voice of self-doubt and ego trying to keep you safe—and small.

But here’s the truth: you have to climb ‘Cringe Mountain’ to get anywhere.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable to put your ideas out there.

You’ll feel exposed.

But the only way to build confidence and authenticity is by doing—not waiting until you feel “ready.”

You’ll never feel 100% ready.

Climbing Cringe Mountain is where the growth happens, where your skin gets thicker, and where you learn that you’ve got more to offer than you think.

Another common concern?

“What if what I’m writing isn’t unique or valuable enough?”

Here’s the thing: You are the niche.

No one has your exact experiences, your unique blend of skills, passions, and insights.

What might seem ordinary to you can be life-changing for someone else.

Trust that your voice matters because it does.

And let’s not forget the comparison game: “But isn’t video or social media posting more effective?”

Sure, other mediums are great, but they still rely on writing.

Whether it’s scripting a video, crafting a social post, or launching a podcast, it all starts with strong written content.

Writing is the bedrock of any thought leadership strategy.

It’s how you deeply explore topics and establish a reputation as someone who knows their stuff.

Then there’s the time argument: “I don’t have time to write.”

Guess what?

You do. 

Writing doesn’t have to dominate your life.

With tools like ChatGPT, you can brainstorm faster, organize your ideas, and even generate outlines in no time.

I don’t know what to write about and I’m not an expert!

The idea that you need to be an expert to write or that you have nothing to say is a myth.

In reality, people connect more with stories and journeys than polished expertise.

Enter the concept of learning in public—sharing your process as you go.

It’s about being open about what you're learning, your struggles, and your wins.

This approach not only helps you grow but also attracts others who are on a similar path.

So, instead of waiting to "arrive," start sharing where you are right now.

People love a good story, and your journey is the perfect one to tell.

Writing Is the Key to Long-Term Success

Writing is the most effective way to establish yourself as a thought leader.

It creates depth, fosters connection, and positions you as someone who doesn’t just consume content but creates it.

It helps you think through your opinions and really solidify them.

The written word allows you to dive into your insights, share personal stories, and offer wisdom that resonates far beyond a 30-second video or a quick social post.

It builds trust over time—trust that you’re not just a flash in the pan but someone with valuable, long-term ideas.

Embrace modern strategies by simplifying the process.

Use AI to help you brainstorm and refine your thoughts, leverage platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to share bite-sized pieces of your wisdom, and cultivate a loyal audience with a newsletter or blog that dives deeper.

You don’t need to disrupt your entire life to make an impact—you just need to commit to one act, consistently.

Writing is the ticket to unlocking doors you didn’t even know existed.

It’s how you ensure you’ll never have to scramble for a job again.

It’s how you gain leverage in your field, command respect, and stay relevant in a world that’s evolving faster than ever.

Start Now, or Stay Stuck Forever

You can keep putting off writing because it’s scary, because it’s uncomfortable, or because you don’t think you’re ready—or you can start now.

Every day you delay is another day you’re stuck in the same place, missing out on the opportunities that are waiting for you.

Writing is a small snowball that can turn into an avalanche of success if you let it.

The only question is, will you start rolling it?

Take the first step.

Write something today.

Because if you don’t, nothing changes.

And if nothing changes, well…you already know where that leads.

Don’t let fear dictate your future.

Start writing.

Start building.

Start now.

Stay Curious,

Addie LaMarr