You're Wrong About Crypto

Demonization of Digital Currencies: A Convenient Narrative or a Genuine Concern?

Have you ever wondered why we REALLY hear so much negative press about cryptocurrencies?

As someone who dropped out of a PhD in blockchain technology, I've got some pretty strong opinions on this topic—opinions that are backed by thousands of hours of research over the years.

I have also worked on more than a dozen crypto projects over the 8 years I’ve been involved in this industry.

The biggest thing I noticed is that EVERYONE is totally wrong about crypto.

The tech bros, news anchors, everyday people have been totally misled about this technology.

And trust me, I'm here to shed some unbiased light on the situation and give it to you straight.

Why do we keep hearing so much skepticism and fear-mongering about digital currencies?

Simple: governments and central banks have a narrative to protect.

Who’s really benefiting from all this negativity, and what's the real story they don't want you to see?

Cryptocurrencies get slapped with labels like "risky," "unstable," or even "criminal."

But ever stop to think why those in power are so eager to push you away from these digital assets?

It all boils down to one thing: control.

Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, was created by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto as a direct response to the 2008 financial crisis—a way to prevent such a meltdown from ever happening again.

It was designed to be decentralized, transparent, and immune to the corrupting influences that plague traditional financial systems.

Cryptocurrencies live in a world of their own—far away from the prying eyes of central banks and government watchdogs.

They don’t play by the old-school rules, and that freaks out the people in charge.

Let's not kid ourselves—those in power don’t exactly love the idea of losing control, do they?

So, here's the big question: Are digital currencies really the bad guys, or is that just the story they’re spinning to keep us all under their thumb?

Do Sanctions Really Target the Right People?

Let’s back up a bit and talk about sanctions—the go-to move for governments trying to strong-arm other nations into compliance.

On the surface, they look like a clever tactic to force a country to behave how you’d like.

But who actually takes the hit when sanctions come down?

Spoiler alert: it’s not the politicians or the elites.

It’s everyday people—like you—who are just trying to get by.

Sanctions are designed to make life so miserable for regular folks that they’re forced to pressure their governments to change course.

But here’s the problem: you’re getting punished for decisions you had no say in.

And it’s not just sanctions that put you at risk.

Imagine your government freezing your bank account because you protested.

Or your savings becoming worthless overnight thanks to war or hyperinflation.

Remember when Silicon Valley Bank went belly up in March 2023?

Learn More: Check out this podcast I recorded on the topic, but be warned: in the past it’s been suppressed/censored in the US so it might not be available everywhere.

If you think these things can't happen to you, think again.

The truth is, traditional financial systems are fragile and exposed to all kinds of disruptions.

But there are ways to protect yourself—alternatives outside these shaky systems that give you control over your own financial future.

Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) offer a way around these risks, providing options when the system fails.

So, the next time you hear about sanctions or financial restrictions, remember: there are tools out there to help you take control, no matter what the power players are up to.

Think this could never be your problem?

History is full of ordinary people who got caught in the crossfire of international politics.

Wouldn’t you rather have a financial escape route ready to go?

Stuck Between Governments: How Much Freedom Do You Actually Have?

When your country gets sanctioned, it’s not just an inconvenience—it’s a full-scale assault on your financial freedom.

Your money, savings, and investments are suddenly at the mercy of international politics.

Want to move your money out?

Good luck with that.

The traditional banking system is notorious for freezing assets and blocking transactions the moment sanctions hit.

Even worse, these systems are highly surveilled, with every transaction tracked and potentially blocked if deemed “suspicious” by government standards.

Escaping the Trap: Why You Need a Financial Safety Net Outside the Traditional System

In a world where your government’s decisions can wreck your financial security in a heartbeat, having a backup plan isn’t just smart—it’s a must.

Cryptocurrencies give you a decentralized option that’s resistant to sanctions and beyond the grasp of any government's control.

Imagine being able to move your assets, hold onto your financial independence, and keep your money safe, no matter the political chaos around you.

That’s not just freedom—that’s REAL financial security.

So, are you gonna stay exposed, or is it time to start thinking about your own escape route?

How One Russian Escapee Found Freedom

Let’s cut through the noise with a real-life story that shows just how useful cryptocurrencies can be when everything else goes to shit.

I’ve got a friend, a Russian software developer, who always opposed his government’s actions but never thought he’d be caught in the crossfire.

Then, on February 24, 2022, the unthinkable happened.

Russia invaded Ukraine.

When international sanctions kicked in, it wasn't just the government feeling the squeeze—my friend felt it, too.

His bank accounts were frozen overnight, and the ruble?

It nosedived, becoming practically worthless.

Suddenly, his whole family was stuck, unable to access their own money, caught in a geopolitical mess they never asked for.

How was he supposed to put food on the table for his three young daughters?

Sound terrifying?

It was.

But here’s where the story flips.

While most people were stuck in three-hour lines, desperate to grab whatever cash they could from ATMs, my friend had a secret weapon—cryptocurrency.

He’d been into Bitcoin and Ethereum for years—not to strike it rich, but as a backup for exactly this kind of disaster.

When the sanctions cut him off from the traditional financial system, crypto became his lifeline.

As the situation worsened, he made the gut-wrenching decision to leave home in Russia.

It was a risky move, but unlike many others whose assets were locked up or lost in red tape, my friend funded his entire escape using crypto.

He paid for transport, arranged safe passage, and even supported his family—all without needing a single ruble or a bank's blessing. (And yes, you can actually buy flights & hotels with crypto!)

He could even shoot money over to his friends and family in Russia in an instant—no fees, no hassles, and none of those annoying three-day waits that banks love to drag you through.

While others were stuck, unable to access their money, my friend was free to move—all thanks to the decentralized magic of blockchain.

This isn’t just a story about one guy getting out of a tough spot.

It’s a powerful example of how cryptocurrencies can be your safety net in a world where traditional systems can fail you in an instant.

Blockchain isn’t just some tech buzzword; it’s a way to reclaim control of your money, making sure that no matter what chaos erupts around you, you’re never left stranded.

Principles of Blockchain for Freedom: How Decentralization Puts You in Control

So, how does this work?

At its core, blockchain technology is all about decentralization—spreading control across a massive network rather than placing it all in one vulnerable spot.

In a traditional banking system, your money’s safety is only as good as the central server it’s stored on.

And from my experience working in cybersecurity and experiencing life, I have literally ZERO trust in that one central server run by bankers.

That makes it a juicy, delicious target for hacks, government overreach, or even outright seizure.

But with blockchain, every transaction is recorded on a ledger that's shared across thousands of computers worldwide.

This means no single government or institution can block your access, freeze your assets, or suddenly tank the value of your holdings.

Think of it like having your financial backup spread across the globe, immune to the whims of any single country or power.

This setup doesn’t just boost security—it guarantees uptime.

Your access to your assets isn’t dependent on a server that might crash or some bureaucrat's decision.

With blockchain, you’re not just along for the ride; you’re in the driver’s seat, fully in control and with a crystal-clear view of all your transactions.

And in a world where sanctions, economic crashes, and political chaos can strike without warning, that’s a level of freedom you can’t ignore.

Economic and Social Empowerment via Cryptocurrencies: Your Insurance Against the Unpredictable

My friend’s story shows how cryptocurrencies can empower you, both economically and socially, especially when the ground beneath you is shifting.

He didn’t just use crypto to escape Russia—he used it to rebuild a new life.

In this case, cryptocurrencies acted like a private insurance policy that wasn’t tied to any government—a safety net that preserved their financial autonomy even when traditional options were yanked away.

Whether you're dealing with hyperinflation, corruption, domestic violence, or economic collapse, cryptocurrencies offer a solid hedge against those societal "oh fuck" moments.

They let you store value, transfer wealth, and make transactions safely and instantly—no need to depend on traditional systems that might just fail you when you need them most.

So, are you ready to explore an alternative that doesn’t leave you at the mercy of your government’s whims or the unpredictable swings of the global economy?

Cryptocurrencies aren’t just digital money—they’re a new way to think about financial freedom, your personal escape hatch when the system starts closing in.

Is Crypto Really as Risky as They Say?

Let’s tackle the elephant in the room: the common fears and misconceptions that surround cryptocurrencies.

You’ve probably heard it all—crypto is a scam, it’s too volatile, and it’s only used by criminals or tech bros.

And what about the environmental impact?

Aren’t cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin destroying the planet with their energy consumption?

These fears aren’t just coming out of thin air; they’re based on narratives that have been pushed hard by those who feel threatened by the rise of decentralized finance.

First, let’s address the volatility.

Yes, cryptocurrencies can be volatile—no denying that.

But here’s the twist: the volatility of Bitcoin, for example, isn’t random.

It follows a predictable four-year cycle tied to its underlying technology and the halving of mining rewards.

Read more about the predicted volatility: Why Most People Lose Money in Crypto (And How You Can Avoid It)

Smart investors understand this cycle and plan their strategies accordingly, buying during the lows and selling during the highs.

It’s not about timing the market perfectly but understanding that it’s more predictable than most people think.

Let's talk about stablecoins for a second.

If you’re thinking, "All cryptocurrencies are just too risky with all that crazy volatility," you're not alone.

But here's where stablecoins come in and change the game.

With stablecoins, you can keep your money in USD but in a crypto format—outside of a traditional bank.

This is exactly how I handle my own money because, quite frankly, I don’t trust banks.

Isn’t that a bit more stable than we’re often led to believe?

And what about the environment?

It’s true that Bitcoin mining has historically been quite energy-intensive.

But what doesn’t get as much airtime is the innovation happening in this space.

New mining technologies and renewable energy sources are rapidly reducing the carbon footprint of crypto mining.

Read more in this article: Everything You Thought About Bitcoin’s Energy Consumption is Wrong (It’s one of my best!)

In fact, many miners are now harnessing otherwise wasted energy, turning the narrative on its head.

It’s a rapidly evolving landscape—one where environmental impact is being actively addressed.

So, is it fair to shun the entire crypto ecosystem based on outdated information motivated by maintaining control?

NGL, the crypto bros are shun-worthy a lot of the time, if you get involved in shitcoins this is really, really risky and not advised.

Why Does Bitcoin Tank When Bad News Hits? Is It Just as Vulnerable as the Stock Market?

Another common objection is that Bitcoin often crashes right alongside the stock market whenever bad news hits.

Whether it’s a geopolitical crisis, a market downturn, or a global pandemic, Bitcoin seems to drop just like any other asset.

So, is it ~really~ any different from traditional investments?

Here’s where perspective matters.

If you look at Bitcoin in the short term, yes, it can react to market sentiment just like stocks.

But the key is to zoom out.

Over larger timeframes, Bitcoin’s trajectory tells a very different story.

Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed endlessly, Bitcoin has a capped supply—only 21 million will ever exist.

This built-in scarcity makes Bitcoin a deflationary asset.

Over time, as demand increases and supply remains fixed, Bitcoin appreciates significantly.

Compare this to the U.S. dollar, which loses value over time due to inflation—just look at how much prices have increased in your lifetime.

Bitcoin, by contrast, has consistently increased in value over the past decade, despite short-term fluctuations.

In fact, those who’ve held onto Bitcoin for four years or longer (aka 1 Bitcoin Cycle) have always seen substantial gains.

If you view Bitcoin with a short-term mindset, you might see volatility; view it with a long-term perspective, and you see a different picture—a rising asset that holds and grows its value over time.

So, isn’t it time to change the lens through which you view crypto?

Security Concerns in Cryptocurrency: Is It Safe to Use?

Security is another big concern for many when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

You hear stories about people losing their Bitcoin wallets, falling for phishing scams, or getting hacked.

But here’s the thing: the security risks associated with crypto aren’t about the technology itself—they’re about human error.

The blockchain itself is incredibly secure, with a transparent ledger that’s nearly impossible to alter without consensus from the network.

The weak link?

It’s often us, the users.

Think of crypto security like your own personal safe.

If you leave the door open or write the combination on a sticky note by your computer, that’s on you.

But when you follow best practices—like using hardware wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, sticking with Bitcoin/Ethereum/USDC, and being cautious with your private keys—your digital assets are incredibly secure.

The crypto environment demands a level of personal security discipline, but the tools and best practices available today can significantly mitigate these risks.

Isn’t it time we take responsibility for our own digital security rather than dismissing a revolutionary technology out of fear?

Simplifying Blockchain Technology: Can We Make It Easier to Understand?

Blockchain might sound like a complex, intimidating concept, but at its core, it’s quite simple.

Imagine a digital ledger—a notebook, if you will—where every transaction is recorded and verified by a network of thousands of participants, all agreeing that what’s written down is accurate.

No single person or entity can alter the entries without the consensus of the entire network.

This decentralized ledger is updated in real-time, ensuring transparency and trust.

It’s like a digital village, where every resident has a copy of the town’s transactions.

If someone tries to tamper with their copy, the rest of the village would immediately see the discrepancy.

Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, was created by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto as a direct response to the 2008 financial crisis—a way to prevent such a meltdown from ever happening again.

The first ever Bitcoin block, known as the Genesis block, also contained a message. This was, “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin, included this message from a Times newspaper article on the day the block was produced.

It was designed to be decentralized, transparent, and immune to the corrupting influences that plague traditional financial systems.

So, blockchain isn’t just some abstract, high-tech concept—it’s a solution to very real problems we’ve all seen unfold.

The Path Forward: How Can You Start Your Crypto Journey Today?

So, you’re convinced enough to consider dipping your toes into the world of crypto.

What’s next?

Start small, start simple.

Choose a user-friendly platform like Coinbase if you’re just beginning.

It’s designed to make buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrencies as straightforward as possible.

But don’t stop there—educate yourself.

Dive into online courses, join community forums, and subscribe to reliable crypto news sources.

Knowledge is power, especially in a space as fast-paced and evolving as this one.

It’s also wise to diversify.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Experiment with different cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDC specifically) to see what aligns best with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Remember, this isn’t about getting rich overnight—it’s about securing a future where you have control over your finances, free from the constraints and unpredictability of traditional systems.

Start now.

Don’t wait for the next crisis to realize that you could have had a safety net all along.

Cryptocurrencies are more than just a speculative asset—they’re a tool for freedom, a hedge against instability, and a way to ensure that no matter what happens in the world, your financial future is in your hands.

So, ask yourself: are you ready to step into that future, or are you content staying chained to a system that’s only as stable as the last decision made by an unelected few?

Stay Curious,

Addie LaMarr