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6 Life-Changing Tools for Skyrocketing Your ADHD Productivity

Feeling Like Your Brain Just Doesn't Work the Way It Should?

Ever feel like your mind is a chaotic, never-ending whirlwind of half-finished thoughts and forgotten tasks?

Like you’re constantly fighting a losing battle against your own brain?

You’re not alone.

Many people struggle to remember things, follow a train of thought, or even keep track of time.

It’s like trying to herd cats—frustrating, exhausting, and utterly unproductive.

But what if the problem goes deeper than just forgetfulness?

Maybe it's ADHD making it tough to focus, introversion turning social interactions into exhausting marathons, or other health issues affecting how you move through your day.

Imagine trying to juggle all this while the world demands hustle culture.

Feels impossible, right?

And then there's the societal baggage.

People with disabilities face a minefield of psychological and societal barriers—stigma, lack of accommodations, you name it.

It's as if the world’s playing a game that’s rigged from the start.

And when your mind doesn't play by the same rules, things get even trickier.

What if you don’t address these issues?

Ignoring them means constantly grappling with frustration, feeling worthless, and not reaching your full potential.

You might be stuck in a loop, fighting a brain that's wired differently while trying to work like everyone else.

Why go through that if there’s another way?

What If You Could Turn Your Challenges Into Unique Advantages?

Imagine if, instead of constantly fighting against your brain’s natural wiring, you could actually work with it—using your unique thought patterns to your advantage.

What if you could use technology to enhance the way your mind naturally operates, turning those everyday challenges into a source of strength?

That’s where “cyborg enhancements” come into play—think of them as technological tools designed to help you operate at your best.

I came up with the term to describe how I outsource the shitty parts of my brain to technology.

They’re not about becoming superhuman; they’re about optimizing your daily life with the right support systems.

It’s using Midjourney to transform abstract thoughts into concrete visuals, giving form to ideas that were previously just out of reach.

Or leveraging a second brain system like Obsidian to follow your thought processes seamlessly, keep track of tasks, and maintain organization effortlessly.

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s very much within reach today.

What about the challenge of time management?

Tools like ClickUp and Toggl Track don’t just help you manage your schedule—they offer a deep dive into where your time actually goes, enabling you to make more informed decisions about how to allocate your hours.

No more wondering where the day went.

And if jotting down notes feels like an impossible chore, consider Otter.ai your trusted assistant—providing hands-free note-taking that sorts itself out without you having to lift a finger.

This way, you’re not chained to your desk or overwhelmed by piles of sticky notes.

From heightened productivity and creativity to enhanced time management and career advancement, these tools will change your whole fucking life.

At least they did for me!

The real question is: are you ready to enhance your capabilities and make the most out of the tools available to you?

Untangling the Knots of My Mind with Obsidian

Let me take you on a journey—my Aphantasia journey.

For the longest time, I felt like I was lost in the tangled yarn of my thoughts, unable to follow a single thread to its end.

My mind was a constant, swirling vortex of ideas that I couldn’t see, couldn’t grasp, and certainly couldn’t organize.

It was nothing but darkness—an overwhelming, frustrating darkness.

I have aphantasia, which means I can’t visualize images in my head.

My thoughts were just abstract concepts, swirling around in a chaotic mess.

I was drowning in that mental fog, feeling like my brain was an overcrowded attic—cluttered, chaotic, impossible to navigate.

Every day felt like a battle.

I couldn’t remember things, my ideas would slip away before I could catch them, and I was always running behind.

I couldn’t see them but I could feel their chaotic presence taking up space in my mind.

The world kept moving forward, but I was stuck, tangled in this ball of yarn that was my own mind.

It was exhausting.

It was depressing.

I felt like I was always playing catch-up, never quite on top of things.

But then, I discovered Obsidian.

1. Obsidian

Obsidian is a powerful note-taking and knowledge management tool designed to help you organize your thoughts.

Unlike traditional apps, Obsidian uses a linked notes system, allowing you to create connections between different ideas, much like a web.

Here you can see the links in the content without clicking it, you can just hover over it with your mouse and the links will populate.

This approach helps you see how your thoughts are interconnected, making it easier to follow complex ideas or projects without getting lost.

For those with aphantasia or anyone who struggles with visualizing or keeping track of their thoughts, Obsidian is a life-changer.

It lets you pull the tangled yarn of ideas out of your mind and lay them out in a clear, organized way.

This process reduces mental clutter and brings a sense of clarity and peace.

Obsidian is also highly customizable.

You can create folders, add tags, and use plugins to enhance functionality like task management or calendar integration.

And it works offline, giving you full control over your notes without needing constant internet access.

In essence, Obsidian helps turn your mental chaos into an organized, living knowledge base, making it easier to manage your thoughts, projects, and ideas.

A screenshot from one Obsidian’s Graph View for the Ethical Hacking Fundamentals entry that links together different notes.

I publish part of my Obsidian vault as a free Cybersecurity resource if you’d like to see an example of how I use it.

How it Feels to Use Obsidian

It felt like I’d finally found a way to reach into my mind and pull out each string individually, unraveling the mess one thought at a time.

With Obsidian, I could see my thoughts laid out in a linear trajectory, a clear path emerging from the chaos.

It was as if I’d been handed a flashlight in that dark attic, illuminating all the corners I hadn’t been able to reach before.

I could finally follow a train of thought from start to finish, no longer losing my way in the tangled mess.

And as I began to use it more, something incredible happened—the jumbled yarn ball of my thoughts became smaller and smaller.

The chaos in my mind started to quiet down, and for the first time, I felt a sense of peace.

My mental clutter was being sorted, one note, one thought at a time.

It wasn’t just a tool; it was a transformative experience that allowed me to finally feel in control.

But I didn't stop there.

I knew I had problems with daily task management too.

Otter.ai is a voice transcription tool that allows you to brainstorm and plan on the go.

For someone like me, who hates sitting at a desk and aims to get 10-15k steps in daily, Otter.ai changed my life.

It lets me walk, think, and talk to myself, transcribing everything I say.

I can even ask Otter AI questions about what I've mentioned during a session, making it a dynamic brainstorming partner.

Every morning, I start my day with a verbal brain dump, capturing all my thoughts and ideas.

When I want to deeply ponder my thoughts and record the response in an inspired location, I’ll take a walk in nature while talking to myself.

Otter.ai helps me identify action items, which I then transfer into ClickUp (coming next!), my project management software, so I only have to think about each task once.

This routine not only keeps me moving but also ensures that my day is well-planned from the get-go.

Note: this link gives you a free month of Otter.ai and it gives me 100 extra minutes.

3. ClickUp

Then I brought in ClickUp for project and task management.

ClickUp is a comprehensive project and task management tool that allows you to organize, track, and prioritize your work in one place.

It offers customizable views, task automation, and collaboration features, helping teams and individuals manage projects more efficiently and stay on top of their goals.

This is my LifeOS where I manage every project & task I have

ClickUp helped me keep all my projects and tasks organized in one place.

I could break down big projects into manageable tasks, set deadlines, and track my progress.

It was like having a project manager at my fingertips, helping me stay on top of everything without feeling overwhelmed.

With ClickUp, I could see the bigger picture without getting lost in the details.

4. Toggl Track

Toggl Track is a time-tracking tool designed to help you monitor and analyze how you spend your time on various tasks and projects.

It provides detailed reports and insights, allowing you to identify time-wasting activities, improve productivity, and make more informed decisions about how to allocate your time efficiently.

This is the newest tool I’ve added to my repertoire.

After taking the Unhinged Life Tracking Course by Vegan Tech Nomad a few weeks ago, I started using it to track my time 24/7, conducting deep time audits to understand where my hours were going.

It wasn’t just about managing my schedule; it was about gaining insight into my habits and finding ways to make the most of my time.

No more hours slipping away unnoticed; I could see exactly where my time was going and make adjustments accordingly.

5. Midjourney

Then came Midjourney, a tool that added a whole new layer to my newfound clarity.

Midjourney is an AI-powered tool that transforms text prompts into visual art, enabling users to create vivid, detailed images from abstract ideas.

And the best part is that it uses the Discord app to run.

It's especially useful for those who struggle with visualization, providing a way to bring concepts to life and enhance creative projects with unique, generated visuals.

Because of my aphantasia, I had never been able to visualize anything in my mind.

My ideas were like shadows, always just out of reach.

But with Midjourney, I could take those shadows and bring them into the light.

I could literally see my ideas in front of me—transforming vague concepts into clear, vivid visuals.

It was like discovering a new sense—a new way of experiencing the world.

I went from not even remembering what I looked like to creating detailed images that I could use in my work, hobbies, and personal life.

(And it’s what I use to make all the images in this newsletter)

It wasn’t just about creativity; it was about finally being able to see.

And the journey didn’t stop there.

6. Virtual Assistant

Let's get real.

How much time do you waste on tasks you hate?

You know, those annoying, repetitive things like canceling your gym membership, managing emails, or booking appointments.

They drain your energy, right?

Especially if you’ve got ADHD, you end up putting them off forever, which only adds more stress.

But there’s a better way.

Enter the virtual assistant (VA).

Now, before you think, “I can’t afford that,” let me stop you right there.

VAs aren’t just for the rich or high-powered executives.

They’re for everyone, and they don’t have to be expensive.

You can hire a VA per task or by the week, making it affordable and completely worth it for the sanity you gain.

I recently started using a VA, and I won’t shut up about it.

I gave my VA access to my email, and now she sorts through everything, flags what’s important, and even replies to some messages.

No more missed deadlines or forgotten appointments.

It’s freed me from the mundane stuff and given me back precious time and mental energy.

Now, I focus on what truly matters—like building my personal brand, creating content, and engaging with my audience.

My VA handles the admin tasks, so I get to spend my time on things that light me up, not the stuff that drags me down.

So, if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, consider getting a VA.

It’s more affordable than you think, and the benefits?

Absolutely priceless.

From Chaos to Clarity – What Happens When You Untangle Your Mind?

So, what happens when you decide to tackle the chaos in your mind head-on?

What kind of transformation can you expect when you embrace these tools and integrate them into your daily routine?

Your life becomes so much clearer.

First, there’s a huge shift in productivity and efficiency.

With a second brain like Obsidian, I went from feeling overwhelmed and disorganized to pumping out inspired content like never before.

I’m talking multiple reels a week, a long-form newsletter, and several stories and articles, all while maintaining a regular workout routine.

I’m more productive than ever, and it’s not because I’m working harder—it’s because I’m working smarter.

Then there’s the boost in focus and concentration.

No longer am I scattered, trying to catch hold of a fleeting thought.

With Obsidian, my thoughts are captured and organized in one place.

I know exactly where to find them, and I can follow my ideas through to completion without getting lost in the mental fog.

And let’s talk about the newfound clarity and creativity.

With Midjourney, I can now visualize things I never could before.

And with Otter.ai, I can prioritize and plan everything I need to do that day- first thing in the morning.

I can turn abstract thoughts into tangible images, which not only helps with creative projects but also with problem-solving.

When you can see the problem, finding the solution becomes that much easier.

These changes have led to significant career advancements.

I’ve started my own cybersecurity company, managed my day-to-day tasks without feeling overwhelmed, and genuinely enjoyed the process.

I’ve built a workflow that not only plays to my strengths but also compensates for my weaknesses, allowing me to thrive in ways I never thought possible.

On a personal level, I’ve found a deep sense of peace and satisfaction.

I wake up each day not with dread, but with excitement.

I’ve found my rhythm, my ikigai—the reason for getting up in the morning.

And it’s a very strong ikigai, it wakes me up at 5:30 am on the dot every day without an alarm.

Yes I’m serious about that, I actually wake up every morning at 5:30 am without an alarm because I am so excited to do the work in my schedule.

I’ve aligned my work with my passions, and that alignment has brought a sense of fulfillment that’s so hard to describe but easy to feel.

So, what happens when you embrace these tools and start untangling the chaos in your mind?

You move from just getting by to thriving.

You gain clarity, control, and confidence in your abilities.

You build a life that’s not just manageable, but genuinely fulfilling.

The choice is yours.

Will you keep wrestling with the chaos, or will you take that first step toward clarity and peace?

The tools are there, the power to change is in your hands, and your best life is just waiting to be crafted.

Remember: Every small step towards organization and clarity is a giant leap towards a more fulfilled, balanced life.

Will you take that step today?

“I Can’t Keep Up with That, I Have ADHD” and Other Concerns

I hear you.

You might be thinking, "I can’t keep up with all of this.

I have ADHD—my brain just doesn’t work that way."

Or maybe it’s, "You’re so disciplined; I could never manage that."

Believe me, I’ve been in that same boat, feeling like my mind was running in twenty different directions while everyone else seemed to have it all together.

But here's the truth: discipline isn't a natural talent reserved for a select few.

It’s a muscle—one you exercise every day, little by little, step by step.

Think of discipline like going to the gym.

You don’t walk in on day one and lift the heaviest weights.

You start small, build up your strength, and gradually you get stronger.

The same goes for managing your time, your tasks, or even your thoughts.

The more you practice, the more clarity you gain.

It’s not about getting it perfect from the start; it’s about taking the first step and letting each small effort build on the last.

But more importantly, let’s talk about something deeper: you are worth it. 

You are worth making accommodations for your unique brain.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you need to just "try harder" to be normal.

Our brains are wired differently, and that difference is not a flaw—it’s a feature.

I’ve come to see my ADHD/AuDHD and aphantasia not as a limitation but as something that sets me apart as a high achiever.

I’ve learned to nurture these qualities, to actually harness them, rather than let them control my life or keep me at the mercy of my mind's whims.

Think of it this way: trying to be "normal" by forcing yourself into a mold that doesn’t fit only leads to frustration and burnout.

Instead, acknowledge that your brain operates differently—and that’s okay.

Embrace the tools and systems that work with your natural wiring, not against it.

That’s where true progress happens.

It’s not about forcing yourself to fit into a box; it’s about creating a space that fits you.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or doubting whether you can do this, remember: you are worth the effort it takes to find what works for you.

You are worth the time and energy it takes to build systems that support your unique way of thinking.

Don’t settle for a life where you’re constantly at war with your own mind.

Start nurturing your strengths today, and let them guide you to a place of control, clarity, and fulfillment.

You’ve got this.

You just need to take that first step.

Stay Curious,

Addie LaMarr